Practical Uses of Magnetic Thumbtacks
Utilizing thumbtack magnets for home and office organization
1. What are magnetic thumbtacks used for?
Magnetic thumbtacks and magnetic push pins are the perfect solution for hanging things in both the home and office as they are both affordable and made with strong rare earth neodymium magnets. Below are some common uses for thumbtack magnets.
Magnetic thumbtacks as fridge magnets
Magnetic thumbtacks are a great and colorful way to hang photos, recipes, to do lists and more up on the fridge. Also see our Fridge magnets for more options for hanging on a fridge with magnets.

Hanging posters with magnetic thumbtacks
Magnetic thumbtacks can be used to hang posters, pictures and photographs or other types of art to any magnetic surface. Check out our Magnets for Hanging Art & Signs for more magnetic hanging options.

Magnetic thumbtacks for home or office organization
Magnetic thumbtacks are a great way to stay organized at home or in the office. They are perfect for hanging reminders, photos and more to filing cabinets, fridges and magnetic dry erase boards. Also see our Magnetic whiteboard magnets and Magnetic glass magnets for more ways to use magnets at home or in the office.

Magnets ideal for magnetic glass, dry erase and whiteboards
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Using magnetic thumbtacks as a stud finder
Another great way to use magnetic thumbtacks is as a stud finder. The XLTK magnetic thumbtack size is perfect for this and if you slowly slide it along a wall it will be attracted to screws or nails. Learn more in our Magnet Stud Finder blog article.

Other uses for magnetic thumbtacks
Some other uses for magnetic thumbtacks include key holders, recipe or calender holders, accessory hangers, creating a display of art and more!
Have any cool ways to use your magnetic thumbtacks that we missed? Send us an email with the pictures for the chance to be posted in this article!

Shop Magnetic Thumbtacks
Explore variety of strong, colorful neodymium thumbtack magnets.

2. Magnetic Thumbtack FAQ
Here is a collection of questions that people commonly ask about magnetic thumbtacks and magnetic push pins.

What are magnetic thumbtacks?
A magnetic thumbtack, or magnetic push pin, is a thumbtack or pushpin shape, but instead of a sharp pin on the end, there is a magnet. This allows you to easily hang items onto steel surfaces without damaging the item being hung.
Will magnetic pushpins work on my dry erase board?
Yes! Neodymium magnetic push pins work well on magnetic dry erase boards, magnetic whiteboards or magnetic glass dry erase boards. However, there are certain factors to consider. Check out our Magnetic Dry Erase Boards article or our Dry Erase Board Magnets to learn more.
How much will a magnetic push pin hold?
A magnetic push pin or magnetic thumbtack strength depends on several factors like what it's attracting to, if there is a gap between the magnet and steel surface, if the weight is being held vertically or horizontally, friction, etc. Learn more in our How Much Will a Magnet Hold? article.
3. Testing Magnetic Thumbtacks
How much do our TK magnetic thumbtacks and XLTK magnetic thumbtacks hold on a fridge, filing cabinet or magnetic whiteboard? We did some testing to see how many pieces of copy paper our magnetic push pins could hold to various surfaces.

Pull Force Case 1: TK - 1.75 lb
Pull Force Case 1: XLTK - 7.45 lb
TK-BLK (sheets of paper)
XLTK-BLK (sheets of paper)
Painted Fridge
Stainless Steel Fridge
Filing Cabinet
Magnetic Whiteboard
Magnetic Glass Dry Erase Board
Painted Steel Door