Common Uses for Neodymium Magnets
How neodymium magnets are used in industrial, commercial and other every day situations
Neodymium magnets are the world's strongest magnets and offer a lot of strength, even in small sizes. This makes them a great choice for many different applications and are used in many devices used in our daily lives.
Since their development, neodymium magnets have revolutionized numerous industries driving much new innovation. They are essential in electrical motor manufacturing, medical devices, renewable energy, and advanced technology. Beyond industrial uses, neodymium magnets are also perfect for home projects, hobbies, and crafts.

Dent Removal with Magnets
Magnets can help remove dents from brass musical instruments like trumpets, trombones and tubas. By using a steel ball and a large magnet, you can smooth out dents from the inside.
This is of course not just limited to brass instruments. As long as you can get a ball and magnet around the object, there is a chance you can remove the dent.
Magnetic Dent Removal
Learn how to remove dents in instruments use only a magnet and steel ball.
Disc and Cylinder Magnets
Magnets ideal for finding studs in walls and nails under flooring.
Steel Balls
Magnets ideal for finding studs in walls and nails under flooring.

Magnetic Sweepers
Magnetic sweepers, magnetic brooms and roller magnets are designed for quick and efficient pick up of nails and other metal debris from floors, driveways, and construction sites. They are also really useful in factories and workshop for picking up metal debris and fallen hardware from the floor.
Check out our blog article to build your own magnetic sweeper using our block magnets.
Magnetic Sweeper
Learn how magnetic sweepers work and build your own in our full guide.
Block Magnets
Block magnets perfect for building your own magnetic broom.

Motors and Generators
Neodymium magnets play a crucial role in motors and generators by enhancing their efficiency and performance. They provide powerful magnetic fields that help convert electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa.
Join us in our blog as we build many types of DIY motors using the power of neodymium magnets.
Brushless DC Motors
Learn how to build a brushless dc motor with our magnets.
Homopolar Motors
Learn how homopolar motors work in this DIY guide.
Mendocino Motors
Learn how Mendocino motors work and build your own.
Solar Powered Motors
Learn how to go green in our solar powered motor DIY.
The Simplest Motor
Learn how to build the simplest motor using magnets.
Motor Magnets
Best magnets to use for building motors.

Models and Miniatures
Neodymium magnets are used in a wide variety of ways in all types of models, miniatures and other hobbies and crafts from holding on airplane wings and cockpits and couplings in model railroads to holding on limbs and allowing movement for Warhammer and other tabletop wargame figures.
Join us in our blog as we use neodymium magnets to enhance models and miniatures.
Using Magnets for Miniatures
Learn how to use magnets to enhance your wargames.
Magnets for Miniatures and Models
Magnets perfect for working with models and miniatures.

Science and Experiments
Magnets are used in so many applications in the world of science from magnetic stir bars help mix liquids without introducing contamination, levitation experiments and electromagnets to many other types of science experiments.
Join us in our blog as we explore the most popular science experiments such as superconductor levitation, electromagnets and more.
How Magnetic Stir Bars Work
Learn how magnets are used for stirbar chemistry and mixing liquids.
Magnet Experiments and Games
Top 10 science experiments with magnets.
Electromagnetic Levitation
Learn how electromagnetic levitation works in our DIY guide.
Frying Eggs with Magnets!
Learn how induction stoves work as we fry some eggs using magnets.
Magnetic Stir Bars
Shop our selection of stir bar magnets.
Science Project Magnets
Best selection of magnets for wide variety of science projects.
Levitation Magnets
Magnets perfect for levitation experiments.

Fridge Magnets
Neodymium magnets make the perfect magnets for your fridge. They come in many shapes and sizes and can hold a variety of things from photos and grocery lists to heavier objects other magnets cannot hold up.
Check out the wide variety of fridge magnets we offer and our numerous blog articles that cover everything from making your own fridge magnets to repairing and remagnetizing old fridge magnets and seals.
Making & Repairing Fridge Magnets
Full guide to make your own fridge magnets and repair old ones.
Re-Magnetizing Refrigerator Seals
Learn more about fridge magnet seals.
Remagnetizing Fridge Magnets
How to remagnetize flexible fridge magnets that don't stick anymore.
Fix a Ceramic Magnet
How to remagnetize ceramic fridge magnets that lost their strength.
Fridge Magnets
Best neodymium magnets to put things on your fridge.

Fuel and Water Treatment
Neodymium magnets have even been used in water and fuel treatment. They work by supposedly breaking down minerals that can deposit and alter properties of the liquids to provide a more optimal mixture and better result.
Check out our blog where we go more in depth into fuel treatment and water softening with magnets.
Magnetic Water Treatment
How magnets are used for treating water.
Magnetic Fuel Treatment
Learn more about magnetic fuel treatment.
Water Treatment Magnets
Selection of best magnets for treating your water.

Kitchen Magnets
Magnets are used all over in the kitchen and are a great way to store and organize many items. Popular applications are magnetic knife blocks, magnetic spice jars and chip clips.
Check out some of our blog articles and full DIY guides and categories to learn how you can use magnets to help organize your kitchen.
Magnets in the Kitchen
Top ways to use magnets in your kitchen.
Magnetic Knife Holder
Learn how to make your own magnetic knife block.
Magnetic Spice Jars
Learn how to make your own magnetic spice jars.
Magnetic Bottle Opener
Learn how to make your own magnetic bottle opener.
Magnets for Fridge
Selection of best magnets for hanging photos and more on your fridge.

Storage & Organization
Magnets are a great way to neatly store and organize things both at home and in the office. We have numerous articles highlighting the many uses and have categories that provide ideal magnets for each application. Magnetic tool holders, cable organizers and thumbtack magnets are just a few examples of the many possibilities.
See below blog articles to find out the best magnet organization hacks and how to get the most out of your thumbtack, hook and other magnets in your home and office.
Storage & Organization
Top ways to use magnets to get organized.
Magnetic Tool Storage
DIY guide to build your own magnetic tool storage solutions.
Dry Erase Board Magnets
Learn the best magnets to use on magnetic dry erase boards and magnetic glass.
Hanging with Magnetic Hooks
The best magnetic hooks to hang things on your fridge, filing cabinet or other metal surfaces.
Dry Erase Board Magnets
Best magnets for hanging on magnetic dry erase boards, magnetic whiteboards and magnetic glass.

Neodymium magnets are used in a number of fish tank aquarium setups to hold pieces or rock or coral, support cleaning robots and a number of other uses. Plastic coated magnets also make a great reef safe solution as there is no leaching of metals into the water.
Join us in our blog as we take a look at what magnet strength is best for varying thicknesses of aquarium glass and how to hold up heavy rocks and coral by minimizing leverage etc.
Aquarium Magnets
How to use magnets in your aquarium.
Benefits of Plastic Coated Magnets
Learn more about plastic magnets used in fish aquariums.
Plastic Coated Magnets
Large selection of plastic magnets for every application.
Aquarium Magnets
Best reef safe magnets for use in fish tank aquariums.

Latches and Fasteners
Magnets are a popular way to form a nice secure hold. They are used for cabinet latches, envelope closures, fasteners for clothes such as sewing magnets, snap close cases for smartphones and tablets and more.
Check out our blog articles and categories to find the best magnets for your application and the best ways to use magnets for drawers, cabinets and many other magnetic closures.
Magnetic Cabinet Closures
How to make magnetic closures for your cabinets and drawers.
Sewing Magnets
Learn how to use sewing magnets for clothes fasteners.
Using Adhesive Backed Magnets
Learn how to use adhesive backed magnets for magnetic closures.
Adhesive Backed Magnets
Use you current magnets with these double-sided adhesive pads.
Double Sided Adhesive Dots
Use you current magnets with these double-sided adhesive pads.
Adhesive Non Slip Pads
Help prevent magnets from slipping with these anti-slip pads.

Magnetic Separation
Magnetic separation is used across many industries to extract ferrous metal from other materials and to remove contamination from production lines.
Common uses are using magnetic filter rods in setups such as a magnetic grate or magnetic drawer-in-housing to trap ferrous material or prevent it from mixing in with other materials.
Magnetic Grates
Learn how magnetic grates help separate ferrous metals from food and other materials.
Eddy Current Separators
Learn how Eddy currents are used to separate material on conveyor belts.
Magnetic Filter Rods
Magnetic filter rods to aid in separation of ferrous metals.

Lifting Heavy Loads
Magnets are used to lift extremely heavy metal objects across many industries. While the heaviest objects may be lifted with the aid of electromagnets, mounting magnets and fishing magnets are made to stick strongly on stainless steel and can pick up very heavy objects.
Mounting and fishing magnets are not only designed to attach to stainless steel, but also come with a large variety of mounting options for every application such as countersunk, counterbored, male stud, female stud, internal thread, eye hook, j hooks and more.
Fishing Magnet Strength
Picture gallery and testing data of fishing magnets lifting heavy loads.
Mounting Magnets
Learn more about how mounting magnets work and the different types.
Mounting Magnets
Best mounting magnets for every application with numerous options.
Magnets for Fishing
Best selection of strong rare earth fishing magnets.

Clasps and Fasteners
Neodymium magnets are a top choice for clasps for accessories and a replacement for buttons, fasteners, snaps etc used in adaptive clothing. Another popular application a magnetic curtain tiebacks or inside of curtains to held them to the wall etc. The high strength in a small size makes neodymium ideal for having a low profile while still being able to maintain an acceptable aesthetic appeal.
Our sewing magnets are perfect for making adaptive clothing or sew in magnets for curtains. Our clasps are a great choice for making accessories or joining two objects together with magnets.
Sewing Magnets in Clothing
Learn how to sew in our sewing magnets for clothing or curtains.
Sewing Magnets
Best magnets for sew ins for curtains, clothing and more.
Magnetic Clasps
Best Magnets to use when making accessories.

Hanging with Magnets
One of the most common uses of magnets is for hanging objects. Popular uses are hanging art, hanging photos and paper on a fridge, or hanging on metal walls without using hardware.
We offer a wide variety of shapes, sizes and strengths of magnets perfect for any hanging solution and have many blog articles that provide detailed information on how to get the best results for each.
Hanging Art with Magnets
Learn the best ways to use magnets for hanging your artwork and more.
Hanging Posters with Magnets
Top ways to hang large posters and objects on wall.
Hanging with Magnetic Hooks
Learn how to hang your decoration and more with magnetic hooks.
Magnets for Hanging Art and Signs
Best magnets hanging photos, pictures and more on your wall.
Magnetic Hooks
Best hook magnets for hanging decorations and more.

Sensors and Relays
Many sensors, relays and circuits utilize magnetic fields in order to operate. Reed switches, hall sensors and proximity sensors are all examples of this in use.
Our blog has many DIY guides on using magnetic sensors and switches and we offer a selection of magnets ideal for use in reed switches and hall effect sensors.
Reed Switches and Hall Effect Sensors
Take a deep dive into how reed switches and hall effect sensors work.
Raspberry Pi Alarm System
See reed switches in use in this Raspberry Pi alarm system.
Sensor and Relay Magnets
Best magnets building a reed switch or hall sensor.

Magnet Fishing and Outdoors
Magnet fishing is a sport that is steadily gaining popularity. The ideal is to toss a strong magnet into bodies of water or hard to reach places in order to find hidden treasures.
We offer a great selection of fishing magnets for catching all sorts of things. Check out our blog articles to learn about the different types of fishing magnets, how to choose the best size and strength fishing magnet and how to start finding treasure today!
Magnets also assist with many other outdoor activities such as creating magnetic geocaches, magnetic camping screens, hanging outdoor decorations and more. Decorations can even be hung on gutters using magnets if you have a magnet on either side of the aluminum. Check out our blog to see how to hang things outside with magnets on aluminum gutters and more.
Magnet Fishing
Learn how to optimize your magnet fishing for the best catches.
How Strong are Fishing Magnets?
See how strong fishing magnets are with real testing and pictures.
Treasure Hunting with Fishing Magnets
Learn the best ways to find treasure with fishing magnets.
Magnetic Geocaches
Learn how to make a geocache using magnets.
Magnetic Car Camping Screen
Make your own magnetic screen and keep out the bugs.
Mounting Outdoor Decor with Magnets
Learn the best ways to find treasure with fishing magnets.
Fishing Magnets
Strong neodymium fishing magnets for that perfect catch.
Fishing Mounting Magnets
Best mounting magnets for magnet fishing.

Magnets in Electronics
Magnets are widely used in all sorts of consumer electronics and more. They are a core component of things like speakers, microphones and other pieces of technology that whe use every day.
With the increase of electronics, computers and handheld devices, the demand for strong and compact neodymium magnets has also increased.
DIY Magnetometer
Learn how to build your own magnetometer to measure magnet strength.
DIY Speakers
Build your own speakers out of just about anything.
DIY Plastic Cup Microphone
Learn to build a microphone out of a plastic cup.
Electric Guitar Pickups
Learn to build your own electric guitar pickups using magnets.
Magnets for Electronics
Strong neodymium magnets perfect for use in electronics.