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Magnet Repelling Force Calculator

Calculate magnet repelling force and find related products

All input must be in decimal format
Outer Dia.:
Inner Dia.:

How are the magnet repelling forces calculated?

The data and calculations in our repelling force calculator are based on extensive product testing. The surface field data is only valid for points along the center axis of the magnet, and assumes a single magnet in free space.

Many online calculators we've seen determine pull force based on a theoretical calculation of the flux density. With a few assumptions, flux density (in Gauss) can be related to the expected pull force. Unfortunately, this simplification often fails to match real world data.

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About our magnet repelling force calculator

While K&J Magnetics offers diametrically magnetized disc, clyinder and ring magnets, our magnet repelling force calculator only considers discs, cylinders and rings that are magnetized along the cylindrical axis.

The replleing forces calculator is currently a beta version and is intended only for reference. K&J Magnetics, Inc. will not be held liable for its use. All calculations are approximations and should not be used as the sole source of design data. The factors of your application may change these values considerably. Be sure to test magnets in your configuration.

Please report any troubles, concerns or suggestions about this calculator to: contactus@kjmagnetics.com.